Initially, our program was going to be called the “Pediatric Metabolic Health” program at Swedish. As it was pointed out to me many times, the name was sort of boring and didn’t do the program justice in terms of being more descriptive. Not being a great wordsmith myself, I decided to brainstorm a way to encapsulate my feelings and goals around this program. As I sat at my computer with a bunch of words (“diet”, “lifestyle”, “prevent”, “treat”, “children”, etc.) swirling around in my head, I knew I needed to come up with a catchy acronym or mnemonic. That’s when a quick internet search led me to just the right website at the right time! So, I typed in all the key descriptive terms I could think of, wanting to describe my passions around what our program was meant to target, achieve, and accomplish. Then, I simply hit “search”! I had hardly a second to lean back in my seat before sent back a list of hundreds of possible acronyms!
Screenshot of search
The next part, sorting through all the names took a bit of time, but it sure was fun! (The website allows for changes in parameters and gives each acronym a “score” to help.) While the words PRIDE and ENRICH were top contenders, in the end, the word RESILIENCE just kept calling to me. It made sense to my heart and brain because I’ve long believed that it’s one of the most endearing qualities of children and the field of pediatric medicine: the sheer resilience of children’s minds, bodies, and souls. The word also had such a positive ring! I was sold and the rest is history!
Next, we moved on to finding a logo for our “brand” so to speak. Being based out of the Pacific Northwest, Salmon, a native species, quickly came to mind, not only as a source of healthy nutrition but as a symbol of inherent resilience!
pRevention, trEatment, and reverSal
dIet- and LIfestyle drivEN diseases in ChildrEn™️
“Where food is medicine, the kitchen is the clinic, and the cook is the doctor!”